Program Management

Component Objective: To effectively and efficiently implement program components according to schedule and budget through support to management, monitoring & reporting of Program components.

Program management ensures regular consultation with KGA beneficiaries to ensure the organisation is meeting their needs

Program management ensures regular consultation with KGA beneficiaries to ensure the organisation is meeting their needs

KGA has enlarged its program management team which has been justified in light of the additional functions required by the Program partners and agreed by the Board. Instead of senior staff being responsible for all activities of a single project, they will be required to administrate parts of several components across the Program. This will require increased coordination between staff at headquarters and in the provinces. Senior staff need to be familiar with the activities and expected outputs of all components; ensuring that this occurs efficiently and effectively will be a major challenge. For this reason, a Program Coordinator, Jack Kalisto, has been appointed by the KGA board. With an increased number of senior staff required to meet the needs of the new program, more support staff will be recruited.

Program components

  1. Trained KGA staff and Board in organisational management
  2. M&E system
  3. Liaise with and develop partnerships and program activities with other donors and organisations
  4. Advocacy
  5. Reports, plans & reviews

It is envisaged that the Program will recruit an experienced AVI (or equivalent) to help manage the Program for the first 2 years, including organisational development activities.

Jack Kalisto leads a KGA weekly staff meeting at Burns Creek headquarters. KGA using participatory approaches with farmers, partners and its staff

Jack Kalisto leads a KGA weekly staff meeting at Burns Creek headquarters. KGA using participatory approaches with farmers, partners and its staff


  1. Integrated Program components.
  2. Staff and consultants hired, mobilised and capable of producing high quality outputs, utilising Program resources to bring about change in partner CBOs.
  3. KGA with capacity to plan for the future, including developing and marketing programs that contribute to KGA’s objectives.
  4. An M&E database designed, data collected and used, providing feedback on the Program’s outcomes against logframes, allowing adjustments as necessary, as well as organisational learning.
  5. A number of reports, plans and reviews produced in a timely manner for submission to Board and donor

Jack Kalisto is the Program Coordinator of Kastom Gaden Association and supervises all farmer and partner services and reports to the KGA board.

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