Derris vine being multiplied at Takwa Germplasm Centre
Distribution of Neem and Derris plants has been carried out to 100 PMN members, 5 farmer schools and 3 germplasm centers.
Neem and Derris are botanical pesticides with potential to help farmers to manage serious pest outbreaks. Of particular interest is in finding a natural way to fight the spread and devastating impact of nissotra (flea beetle) on slippery kabis. Farmer trials conducted by PMN members of the use of Derris and research from overseas has shown the potential of derris in fighting this pest. The Derris and Neem varieties being multiplied have been provided to KGA by PMN members.
Neem, originating in india is considered a ‘miracle tree’ with many uses.
Farmers are encouraged to use these botanical pesticides with care. More information is available on natural pest management in downloadable KGA training manuals.