I have attended the empowerment training for woman funded by JICA in Japan, for the last 2 and half months. The training was attended by 10 female participants from 8 countries, 1 Zambia, 2 Sri Lanka, 1 Tonga, Ethiopia, 2 Pakistan,Laos, East Timor and my self from Solomon.
Visits was made to one of the famous farming business area the one village one product in Oita, this village is famous for its products. which is an interesting place and other places who do the integrated approach for the development.
A visit was also made to Horishima war memorial museum.
I would like to thank JICA for their support in making this training possible for me to attend which will help woman in the rural areas, in income generation: Also thank you to all staff for the support in making my training a success, not forgetting Sr. Catherine who has helped with the component while I’m away on this training.