KGA trains women in simple technology to reduce fire wood use in cooking

October 28, 2010

KGA has held a workshop for women on making fuel efficient stove using clay soils. The workshop was run by Roselyn Kabu and Yukiko Kasuya.

During the training woman learn how to make the clay stove, that reduces firewood use and time for collecting firewood. Compared to the usual cooking on an open fire, as practiced across Solomon Islands, cooking with the clay stove it is quicker for food to be cooked.  This also saves womens time – in collecting and carrying firewood and in time spent cooking.

An open fire cooking also uses a lot more fire wood than the improved stove.

Preparing the stove with a mix of clay, soil, and grass.

To preserve our nature in Solomon Islands, what we can do around us?

One way is to reduce how much we are using firewood in your kitchen. In other country, they have some good ideas to reduce using firewood like solar cooking. And also we can improve our stoves and cooking methods to reduce firewood here in Solomon Islands.

If we improve our stove, we can see some changes.

  • Reduce firewood to use for cooking
  • Reduce smoke during cooking
  • Reduce time to cook

Those changes give better changes in your life and help to keep your environment.   You might think that you need money to pay materials to make stove. No, you don’t need any money. Materials can be collected around you. So you just get ready to work.

To make stove, you need clay soil, which is sticky and heavy soil, garden soil, ashes, dried grass and water.

For more information

Contact Roselyn Kabu:

  • roselynk[at]
  • call 39551

Making the clay stove

Testing the new stove!
